"Trial - A Path to Victory The Complete Series"
Get the complete textbook used in the lecture series, "Trial - A Path to Victory". Overall theories and strategies of trial techniques are discussed to include the concept of One Central Theme and the ability of counsel to be the influencing factor in the outcome of the case. A complete discussion of the Opening Statement as the most critical component of the trial follows with examples of techniques, mistakes and concerns. The role of motions in limine, dealing with weaknesses and bad facts along with suggested methods of opening are explored.
The series continues with Direct Examination, its purpose, and its place as a component of trial to welcome not fear. Order, questioning, and preparation of witnesses are discussed in ways not taught in law school but proven successful in the courtroom. Techniques to defeat the leading question objection and methods to repeat favorable testimony in unstoppable ways are examples of the author's unique methods of trying cases.
Round out the series with Cross Examination and a presentation on its chief purpose - to support and protect your best case as put in during the opening and on direct. The best techniques, reasons and principles of cross along with its dangers and pitfalls are revealed. The series ends with a surprising discussion of the true purpose of the Final Argument and its role in securing a victory.
166 pages